Prelude for piano (1955)

No manuscript or recording of the composition has survived. There are only two signs testifying to its existence. The first is Izabella Grzenkowicz’s information about the premiere, which took place in Kraków in 1955 and which featured Regina Smendzianka. The second is a letter to Maria Jędrzejewska of 8 December 1955 in which Tadeusz Baird – suggesting a programme for his composer concert organised by students of the State School of Music in Wrocław – declared:

I will play a little thing entitled Prelude for piano (it’s short, why tire the audience)?


  • T. Baird, I. Grzenkowicz, Rozmowy, szkice, refleksje [Conversations, Sketches, Reflections], Kraków 1998, p. 171.
  • E. Sochocka-Musiał, Katalog korespondencji Marii Jędrzejewskiej ze zbiorów Biblioteki Głównej Akademii Muzycznej we Wrocławiu [Catalogue of Maria Jędrzejewska’s correspondence from the collection of the Wrocław Academy of Music Main Library], Wrocław 1999, p. 25.